The Eyeshadow

Episode 7 of Eve begins with Eun-Pyeong ringing Han and Jung-Cheol. He wants to give his greetings in person, following Han giving him a gift for helping out with the kindergarten show. Meanwhile, Moon-Hee questions Ra-El and how close she’s getting to Yoon-Kyum. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea but Ra-El is a woman possessed. After shrugging off her teacher’s concerns, she breaks the news to So-Ra that her husband is having an affair. After washing her hands vigorously, So-Ra confronts Ra-El for speaking personally toward her and demand she bring her evidence of Yoon-Kyum’s affair to substantiate her claims. When Ra-El and Yoon-Kyum get some time alone, the former speaks to him about how alone he must have felt in the past and how he’s had no one to confide in. Yoon-Kyum promises he won’t do anything to make Ra-El feel uncomfortable, as flashes to the past show him being beaten as a kid. Ra-El undresses Yoon-Kyum and hugs him from behind. In doing so, he doesn’t pick up the calls So-Ra frantically makes to him. The thing is, this affair is taking its toll on Ra-El’s personal life too. A wedge is growing between Ra-El and Jin-Wook, with Bo-Ram caught in the middle of this mess. When Moon-Hee questions this very notion, Ra-El confides in her and admits that So-Ra could well be responsible for her mother dying. So much for not becoming a monster; hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Ra-El is going all-in on ruining their lives now. Part of this comes from playing So-Ra, convincing her to divorce Yoon-Kyum and making this a very public incident. Well, So-Ra is already doing that by showing up at Yoon-Kyum’s workplace that day, looking for evidence of the affair. Ra-El is the one who stirs things up though, pointing out his suit and how there’s glitter on the shoulder. This was, of course, all Ra-El’s doing. Ra-El watches in silence as So-Ra and Yoon-kyum end up arguing in the office. She smashes the table, Yoon-kyum defends Ra-El, getting a cut on his forearm in the process, as So-Ra promises he’ll pay for this and she’s going to see her dear old father. Ra-El is left behind and as Yoon-Kyum hugs her, Ra-El locks eyes with her husband, wo happens to be standing by the doorway, dumbfounded. Meanwhile, Eun-yeong meets Han and his brother at his house but the commotion with So-Ra spills over to his house. The meeting between Eu-Pyeong and Ra-El is still going on though and when he and Ra-El meet, he warns her that it’s dangerous to be there. It’s dangerous for Eun-Pyeong as well though, especially as he’s introduced into Zeus Project. The thing is, this danger is manifesting itself into real feelings for Yoon-Kyum. At least that’s how it seems. Moon-hee calls her out and warns that this affair is not going to break up Yoon-Kyum’s marriage. However, it could break up Ra-El and Jin-Wook. Ra-El admits to having an affair on him and decides to pack her things to leave. Jin-Wook drops to his knees and pleads with her not to go but it’s no good, Ra-El walks out. Poor Bo-Ram though, their child is stuck in the middle of all this. As for So-Ra, the seeds of doubt have well and truly been sown. After blaming the eye shadow on Dam-Ri, So-Ra checks both her and Ji-Hee at the dance studio that day, and notices the latter is wearing the glittery eyeshadow found on Yoon-kyum’s suit. So-Ra is shocked, believing that Yi-Hee could be the mistress. That night she receives a message from Ra-El telling her that Yoon-Kyum gifted a woman a car. So-Ra immediately heads out to follow up this lead. A big car chase ensues, with Yoon-kyum’s bodyguard hit in the middle of the road. There are lots of witnesses to this too, and when the police arrive the bodyguard drives off. He’s alone – on instructions from Ra-El no less – who watches in satisfaction as the episode comes to a close.

The Episode Review

The plot is just taring to thicken now as the drama is heating up in Eve. Tomorrow’s episode should be very intriguing indeed, as Ra-El is playing a dangerous game. She’s playing with fire right now and needs to be careful she doesn’t get burned. Ra-El is a woman possessed by anger and is dead-set on getting her revenge no matter the cost. You can already see this is having an effect on her relationship with Jin-Wook and Bo-Ram, while the interesting part of this with Yoon-Kyum seems to hint that there are some real feelings starting to seep in between them. This was a definite step-u compared to last week’s episode though and there’s plenty of drama and romance to keep things ticking by with this. Episode 8 should be quite the intriguing affair indeed.