After wrapping up the shot, they head over to Kate’s family’s fourth of July party.  Kate finally gets her first kiss and is disappointed that she was Eugene’s second choice after Tully turned him down. She gets mad at Tully and her anger is doubled when Lisa decides to snitch about Tully and Sean sleeping together. Kate is not the only one who is feeling blue at the party, Cloud is also having a hard time dealing with the judgmental moms at the party.  It gets worse when one of the married men at the party tries to make a pass at her. She turns him down and he insults her. She reaches her breaking point and chooses to drink. She ends up drunk and flashes her boobs at the party. Even though Kate is angry with Tully, she still helps her take Cloud home and they make up.


Johnny and Kate are planning to move into a loft together but they have not told Tully yet. They have found one they both like and Kate promises to break the news to Tully later. On the other hand, Tully is busy preparing for the auditions to be the weekend anchor and is competing against Dan. She wants Kate to focus and help her. Although she and Dan are in a situationship (technically it is not a relationship!) she hopes he will be happy for her when she wins. Dan gets a job offer to host a sports show so he drops off the race and Tully gets the job by default. Tully is not the only heartbroken girl at the fourth of July office party, Kate and Johnny also have a tough conversation. Although, Kate is aware that Johnny is not pro-marriage she assumed that he would still want kids. He wants zero kids and has no interest in being a dad while Kate wants four adorable little ones. Kate is shocked that he doesn’t want kids and is heartbroken. Johnny says as long as they are in love, the future can figure itself out. Kate thinks that they are too different and they break up


Tully feels like she has closure after finding out about her dad and her documentary special is a bona fide phenomenon. She convinces Kate to hold a party at her place for the fourth of July to celebrate their independence.  Kate is worried about the party but she has no time to dilly-dally and get drunk with Tully because she has to pick up Marah from Johnny’s place. At Johnny’s place, she finds Charlie spotting the same hairstyle as Marah. Things get awkward and she accidentally invites Charlie and Johnny to her party. She doesn’t think Johnny will come because the fireworks could be triggering but he says he is fine. His therapist actually advised him to get more social and into the hustle and bustle of daily life. At the fourth of July party, Marah is anxious to tell Ashley (her crush ) about her feelings. She is hoping Ashley will show up at the party but unfortunately, she doesn’t. She opts to go to another party with her new boyfriend and Marah is heartbroken. To cheer her up, Tully gives her diamond earrings even though Kate protests. Kate is also not happy at the party as Charlie shows up dressed in a see-through dress. Tully decides to help her come up with a hotter outfit and she succeeds at getting Johnny’s attention. The only problem is Calvin is also present and Kate accidentally (highly doubt she didn’t mean to) throws Charlie into the swimming pool. At the end of the party, Johnny talks with Kate and confesses that he still loves her. They kiss and Kate finally fulfils her wish to be kissed under fireworks. They decide to get back together and Johnny drives Charlie home to break the bad news to her. Unlike, Kate, Tully has a crisis that is harder to fix. She is having a hard time after her documentary special. She buys an expensive car for Cloud but Cloud refuses to accept it. She decides to gift the car to Kate but she refuses it as well. Cloud tells her that she sees right through what she is trying to do. She thought the documentary will fix her but it didn’t and now she is looking for the next fix. Tully lashes out at her and tells her she has no right to judge her or advise her. She tells her that just because she helped her know the truth about her dad, it doesn’t mean she can start being a mother to her. Later, Tully admits to Kate that she is struggling and she doesn’t feel independent. Kate tells her independence is bullshit and that they still need each other. The episode ends with a flash forward to a week after the party, Tully is being wheeled into an ambulance. She is trying to move to see someone and we see Marah being helped by EMTs to an ambulance and she is unconscious.

The Episode Review

Finally, Johnny made up his mind and I hope this time they will stay together. They have a beautiful love story and yes they have had a fair share of downs but who knows, the second time might be the charm! It is understandable that Tully is having a hard time even after learning the truth. The person who said that the truth will set you free must have gotten it wrong. Sometimes, the truth sucks and doesn’t exactly heal you. I hope Tully and Cloud can work on their relationship and heal together. Now that we know the accident involved Marah too, I can understand why Kate said she can never forgive Tully. However, what exactly happened?

Firefly Lane   Season 2 Episode 6  Reborn On The Fourth Of July  Recap   Review - 2