Four to Dinner Plot Synopsis

Four to Dinner is an Italian Netflix movie, exploring concepts of true love, soulmates and compatibility between different men and women. While there’s no same-sex pairings here (unfortunately) the concept is largely the same as Sliding Doors, with a few distinct differences. This movie centers on four individuals – Matteo, Dario, Chiara and Giulia – who engage in different relationships across the 100 minute run-time, playing out as a big “what if” scenario across alternate realities. The ambiguous ending though leaves a lot to the imagination.

Who’s narrating the story?

The whole premise of this movie originates from the opening scene during a rooftop lunch. Luca and Sara engage in a debate with another couple whom they’re friends with over whether soulmates really exist or not. Both the men disagree with Luca, who is of the opinion that there are not. Across most of the run-time, we see the different pairings – Giulia and Matteo, Chiara and Dario, Chiara and Matteo, Giulia and Dario – and are left with clues over which are the most compatible. With key moments in their life overlapping – including pregnancy, marriage and subsequent break-ups – the film cleverly shifts narrative perspectives to constantly keep you guessing.

How does Four to Dinner end?

As the movie ends, Luca invites the two couples up to join them on the rooftop. Of course, the others want to know who ended up with whom. Luca was clear from the start though, re-emphasizing now that relationships are not always about compatibility. It’s more about the effort and time you put into making a relationship work, taking what life throws at you and using the strength of your partner to become stronger together. The truth is, no one person is made for anyone. So when Matteo, Chiara, Dario and Giulia do eventually join them, the movie doesn’t actually confirm who the real couples are. This is ultimately the point of the whole movie, tying into the larger themes of love, unpredictability and how there’s no such thing as a “perfect” relationship. There’s a real self-reflective tone in this that can be felt across each of the different realities. The ambiguous ending is the ultimate open-ended cherry on top of this cake.

But who did end up together?

If we’re taking a wild guess, there are a few clues over who the real couples are and which ones were red herrings concocted by Luca. It’s worth pointing out the scenes that have had the most screen-time, and which pairings have the best chemistry. Of course, take what I’m saying here with a pinch of salt but there are hints throughout the movie over who the real couples actually are. Right at the end of the movie, just prior to the four characters arriving at the dinner party, Giulia and Matteo show up together, hand in hand, as do Chiara and Dario, who arrive in a silver car. There’s a quick edit to show Giulia stepping out but this feels like a red herring. If you pause just as the car arrives, Chiara is actually in the front seat. Tellingly, there’s also nothing to show Matteo and Chiara together, beyond a few shots in the background. Furthermore, when the camera pans up from the rooftop dinner, Matteo and Giulia are standing together while Dario and Chiara are closer. So in our eyes, these are the pairings that made it to the dinner – Matteo and Giulia alongside Dario and Chiara. But that’s just our two-cents and the film does end rather ambiguously, leaving this open to interpretation. In the end, love is unpredictable and hard to work out – and isn’t that really the point this ending is trying to make?   Read More: Four to Dinner Movie Review Thanks for reading our Ending Explained article! What did you think of the ending? Do you think there will be a sequel? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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