Heat In The Kitchen

Episode 6 of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2 begins with Dong-Mi ringing Pi-Young with big news. Ji-A has been injured by a shard of glass. We see all of this off-screen of course, but it does give Yu-Shin and Pi-Young an excuse to be in the same room together. There’s obviously tensions between them, but Pi-Young brings up the situation with A-Mi. He brushes it aside and manages to calm her for now. While she leaves, Hye-Ryung heads up to have dinner with deputy manager Dong-Ma. The pair trade exposition, with Hye-Ryung not happy about him mentioning Sa-Hyun and her marriage. Remember the awfully confusing editing from before? Yep, it’s back, but this time with segments of Dong-Ma and Hye-Ryung’s chat together. The gist is Hye-Ryung heads home without much fanfare but it’s cut in a really bad way. While Song-Won is treated to food by Sa-Hyun’s parents, Ga Bin rings Si-Eun again. She asks about Christmas and marriage. She also mentions that she wants to have a child with Hye-Ryung. In doing so, she wants to start up a relationship with Hyang-Gi and U-Ram so they can meet their step-sibling. Ga-Bin also presses Si-Eun, encouraging her to open up and allow them to be friends. Obviously Si-Eun is not exactly enthused by this idea. Another meeting between Song Won and Moon-Ho ensues, with her giving advice surrounding making it up to Ye-Jung. He’s still unsure why constantly talking about Dong-Mi and his outdated attitudes are causing problems for her. Speaking of problems, with the heat rising on Yu-Shin and Pi-Young getting close to figuring out the truth, Yu-Shin meets A-mi. He tells her outright that he thinks they should end things within a month. She’s having none of it though and wants to keep her by his side. Yu-Shin refuses, wanting to end things before it gets ugly but A-mi herself admits she’s not mature enough to do that. Speaking of mature, there’s some pretty stomach-churning scenes in this of Dong-Mi trying it on with Yu-Shin in the middle of this episode. Ki-Rim possesses Yu-Shin’s body while Dong-Mi leans in for the kiss. He doesn’t control Yu-Shin though, he just sort of lies there. Thankfully, Pi-Young shows up and stops this woman. Meanwhile, Hye-Ryung sits with Si-Eun and claims his mistress is innocent. His real reason for being there though is related to Yu-Shin. He saw the man there with his mistress and Hye-Ryung is aware of their link. I guess it takes a cheater to know a cheater! Anyway, she soon relays her concerns on to Pi-Young, who’s obviously shocked. In the car, Yu-Shin rings Pi-Young and tells her he’s going to be late. Only this time, his absence holds a lot more weight as she realizes what her husband is up to.

The Episode Review

Finally Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) looks to be picking it up a notch. There’s still some ridiculousness and terrible editing, especially with the Dong-Mi and ghost Ki-Rim stuff, but the mistresses and wives are starting to collide now. It’s been coming for a while but the show has a nasty habit of giving more time to the mistresses and their issues, somehow turning them into the real victims here which is a bit weird. This is especially true when it comes to Song Won, who’s been put on a pedestal throughout this season for some reason. I know there is an audience for this show but there’s so many better makjangs out there that Love pales by comparison. Season 2 has been a little better compared to the first but that’s not exactly a high bar to hit. Either way, we’ve got lots of drama on the table next week and judging by Yu-Shin’s reaction here, it seems like he knows it too.