The Final Bite

After 9 episodes, What We Do In The Shadows returns for its final episode of the season, bowing out with a triumphant vampire hiss. We begin with Guillermo talking us through his day as a familiar before helping Nandor trace his family tree and descendants. Through the usual mix of archival photos, Nandor tells us about his 37 wives and decides to see one of his relatives in person – Madeline. Despite pleas from Guillermo and Colin Robinson, he floats up to her window in the middle of the night and raps on the glass. Letting out a shriek, Nandor tries to show her a teddy but the 94 year old faints and dies. Begrudgingly, Laszlo and Nadja both agree to follow Nandor into the church to pay their respects. Struggling to keep themselves from bursting into flames, Nandor asks Guillermo to fetch some water but it happens to be holy water, prompting his hands to burn and the trio to make a hasty exit from the service. Meanwhile, Nadja talks fondly about Gregor and begins singing his name, which filters through to the psychiatric ward where Jeff is housed. As Nadja’s voice filters through the walls, Jeff gets up and hurries to be with his lover. Once there, Laszlo and Gregor go face to face where it’s revealed Laszlo has been the one killing him all these years. After killing him again, all the vampires go to sleep for the night while Guillermo packs his wooden stakes up. In frustration, he throws a few of them across the room and the season ends with them landing perfectly in the pictures of the vampires. Embracing it’s mockumentary format, What We Do In The Shadows has been a thoroughly entertaining watch over the past few months. The episodes have constantly reinvented themselves, with enough plot twists and character revelations to prevent this from growing stale. Thanks to the series creators, Shadows has been one of the better comedic efforts this year and one of the few I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into a second season. The show ends as it began – with a well written slice of comedy and reminder there’s still life in this format yet.