Bobby’s Secret

Episode 8 of Yumi’s Cells Season 2 starts with us jumping back through time and following Da Eun-Yi as she starts work. She can’t stop looking at Bobby and calls him “HGW”, which stands for Handsomeist Guy in the World. She starts liking her Team Leader from the very first day, and even more so when she realizes they live in the same neighbourhood. Eun-Yi sees this as fate and believes they’re destined to be together. And that’s only confirmed for her when Bobby picks her up to take her to work. When Eun-Yi realizes he has a girlfriend in Yumi, her initial love and interest wanes slightly. She’s disappointed. In the present, Yumi shows up at the coffee shop to get herself some breakfast. Eun-Yi is there and she calls Yumi cool, admitting that Bobby has been praising her at work regarding her writing. Yumi shrugs off the rival threats, realizing she’s just a baby. Meanwhile, we switch gears and learn more about this editor-in-chief, Dae-Yeong, that Yumi is meeting. It turns out they went to college together 14 years back and he’s always had the hots for her. He’s struggled to approach her and flustered his words. Funnily enough, Yumi actually remembers this encounter and points out how absurd it was to Bobby. Unbeknownst to her of course, he’s now the editor! When Yumi shows up to meet Dae-Yeong, he thinks it’s fate, having been unaware of what her name is all this time. His Cell Land is utterly bizarre… and hilarious as Love Cell takes charge and tries to make things romantic. Dae-Yeong struggles to look Yumi in the eye, acting coldly as a result. Now, Love Cell’s thinking is to act coldly toward Yumi for a while and then start to show affection. That way, he can avoid getting hurt like he did in the past. Unfortunately he steers way too hard into the cold aspect of his relationship. He’s incredibly hard on Yumi and pushes up the deadlines for her writing. However, he also gives her some doughnuts too, showing that he really does care. Interestingly, this also has the adverse effect of making Bobby a little worried and jealous too. That night, Dae-Yeong is happy with her manuscript and lets her know as much. Not only that, but he also invites Yumi out to dinner too. It’s all a strategic plan to try and win Yumi over. Only, as he scrolls through her social media feed, Dae-Yeong notices a picture of Yumi and Bobby together, realizing they have a promise ring. He says Bobby looks like a celebrity, downs his glass of wine and leaves, bruised and broken. He decides not to break them up, as Reason Cell manages to snap some sense into him. For now, Dae-Yeong is going to stay as her editor and do what’s right. The next day, Bobby phones Yumi and lets her know that Eun-Yi has decided to quit. She’s going to go and work in Busan. He also admits that he’s a little jealous of the Editor getting her doughnuts and wine. After their chat, Bobby heads out where he runs into Da Eun-Yi at the bus stop. Eun-Yi admits that she’s the type to fall for someone easily but Bobby knows exactly what she’s saying, realizing it’s about him. Bobby tells her it’s probably for the best not to speak up about her true feelings. When he leaves though, Bobby is concerned that this could mean his feelings are changing. He’s conflicted over how he feels and his Cell land ends up with a big ol’ earthquake as a result.

The Episode Review

The juxtaposition between editor Dae-Yeong and Dae Eun-Yi is really interesting to see play out. The former is a hopeless romantic and tries to play the game of love… but fails miserably. We’ve all been there where we’ve fallen for someone and tried to win them over, only to learn they actually have a girlfriend/boyfriend already. It’s a gut-wrenching feeling but Dae-Yeong’s courage and true persona comes out when he decides not to disrupt Yumi’s relationship. However, then you have the Dae Eun-Yi situation with her clearly liking Bobby. Bobby has admitted that she’s cute and learning that she actually likes him has left the guy conflicted. It’s always nice to hear someone likes you but given it’s come in the middle of his relationship with Yumi, it does raise questions over how Bobby’s going to approach that going forward. I’m thinking this is just a misdirection because I honesty can’t see him leaving Yumi for her. Yumi’s Cells has been a really refreshing watch and this week’s double bill has had just as much drama and comedy as the previous weeks.